
We want to ensure that your online shopping experience is not only convenient but also safe. Below, we provide you with all the details you need to know about payments on our website.

How Payments Work

When you make a purchase on our website using our integrated eCommerce platform, payments are processed through Stripe. Stripe is a trusted and secure payment gateway that ensures the confidentiality of your financial information.

Card Security

Rest assured that we do not store any of your card details on our servers. All payment information is securely handled by Stripe. This means that your card details are encrypted and processed directly by Stripe, providing an extra layer of protection for your sensitive information.

Saving Cards with Stripe

If you choose to save your card details for future purchases, please note that Stripe securely manages and stores this information, and it is not stored on our website’s database. This feature aims to make your checkout process faster and more convenient for future transactions.

Secure Transactions

Every transaction you make on our website is protected by industry-standard security measures. Our commitment to your security includes using HTTPS for encrypted communication and adhering to strict data protection standards.

If you have any questions or concerns about our payment process, feel free to contact us for assistance.